The Ferrari FXX-K is a car so outrageous that the idea of an even wilder variant seemed preposterous.

However, Ferrari is a name known for being ludicrous and the team has been up to its usual tricks by revealing the FXX-K Evo, which goes one better than the FXX-K.

Ferrari Fxx-K Evo

Like all other XX cars, the FXX-K Evo isn’t road legal and can only be used on the track, but as track-day toys go, this 1,036bhp monster takes some beating.

That phenomenal power output, not to mention its 900Nm of torque, is produced by a 6.3-litre V12 and electric motor. The V12 blasts out just under 850bhp and 553lb ft of torque, while the motor tops it up with another 187bhp. All this power is sent through a seven-speed F1 dual-clutch gearbox straight to 20-inch 345-section rear wheels.

Ferrari Fxx-K Evo side

We wish we could tell you exactly how lightning quick it was, but these figures are being kept close to Ferrari’s chest for now. The FXX-K can do 0-60mph in 2.7 seconds and reach speeds of up to 217mph, so expect something sillier yet again.

Downforce is the FXX-K Evo’s speciality though and at 124mph, it produces 640kg of downforce, creeping up to more than 830kg at the car’s (currently undisclosed) top speed. Ferrari says the downforce available on the Evo is 23 per cent more than with the FXX K, and 75 per cent more than the LaFerrari.

Ferrari Fxx-K Evo rear

This level of downforce is made possible by a twin-profile fixed wing on the tail, which was developed to work in seamless synergy with the active rear spoiler. In fact, the pressure fields developed by the two downforce-generating systems support and amplify each other.

To guarantee both excellent downforce and drag results, the mobile spoiler’s control logics and range of movement were also meticulously reviewed and reprogrammed.

Ferrari Fxx-K Evo top

Other mods include the design of the rear bumpers to accommodate the new flow structures, while the bypass vent from the rear wheel arch has also been enlarged, hollowing out the volume behind the wheels to ensure the wake from the wheels is efficiently channelled.

The result is that the flow to the rear diffuser is protected and losses are reduced so that downforce has been boosted by five per cent.

Ferrari Fxx-K Evo rear side

Only 40 FXX-K model were built and we expected production to be similarly limited with the Evo too.

Ferrari says the FXX-K Evo will be a very active protagonist in the XX Programme in the 2018/2019 season, which spans nine track outings in all between the start of March and the end of October.

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