Testing is moving ahead for the development of the new Peugeot 208 Type R5, with the model being put through its paces this week by Irish rally driver Craig Breen.

Alexis Avril, technical manager for the project at Peugeot, stated: “December’s test was essentially a shakedown, but this week we started to get some real development work done and that has provided us with an indication of the areas where we need to take our work next.”

Peugeot 208 Type R5 Feature

The model underwent a four-day workout beginning on January 22nd on a gravel test stage near Riboux in  southern France, with Breen taking over from previous test driver Bryan Bouffier for the event.

Breen noted: “The conditions were difficult at times yet its braking performance was exceptional and I felt very confident. As for the gearbox, it is very easy to use and gear shifts were impeccable!”

Side shot of the Peugeot 208 R5

Set to come to the market in March, the new 208 Type R5 is now in its final development phase and is expected to blow away the competition when it takes to the track later this year.

First unveiled at last year’s Paris Motor Show, the 208 Type R5 has caused quite a stir among racing enthusiasts, with the model all set to take on the mantle of the manufacturer’s latest vehicle designed specifically for motorsport, following in the footsteps of both the 208 R2 and the 208 Racing Cup.

It is to be entered into a number of competitions in 2013, including the Intercontinental Rally Challenge, European Rally Championship and the National Championships.

All of these events will test the vehicle to the limit, with the former taking place across 13 stages and held in countries with conditions as diverse as the UK to Romania.

In the air Peugeot 208 R5

It will be tested on both gravel and asphalt and will face an uphill challenge for victory, as championship winner Andreas Mikkelsen has taken the chequered flag in the series for the last two years.

Peugeot 208 R5 on the test track

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Posted by Mark Thompson

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