Kia recently revealed details surrounding the final round of rigorous technical testing for  their latest electric release, the EV9 SUV. The new electric SUV will become the brand’s  flagship model and is said to “revolutionize the large electric SUV segment,” according to  Kia.

Marking the closing stages of a 44-month development period, this final testing phase  involves subjecting the EV9 to a verification program on a 4WD climbing hill and a deep water wading test. This has been a part of Kia’s efforts to ensure that their latest SUV can  handle the most challenging of driving conditions. In addition to Kia’s standard test program at the Namyang R&D centre, the EV9 has undergone testing across the globe.

Images released by Kia showcase the EV9 in action, though liberal camouflaging leaves  much to be deciphered; that being said, some key design features are immediately  noticeable regardless. It seems to feature vertical headlights on either edge of a wide front  end. The side shots also showcase the EV9’s long wheelbase, which has been made possible  using a new platform. 

The EV9 – like the EV6 before it – has been developed on Kia’s advanced Electric Global  Modular Platform (E-GMP), which is said to be leading the way for a new era of sustainable  high-tech vehicles. Thanks to the E-GMP’s 800V electrical architecture, the EV9 SUV boasts rapid-charging rates up to 350kW.

The EV9 is also scheduled to be the first Kia to make use of the company’s autonomous  driving technology, Automode. The new driving solution will look to provide drivers with a  hands-off experience that allows drivers to enjoy the ride experience whilst the vehicle  handles monotonous tasks. Highway Driving Pilot and voice control start are just a few of  the features that Automode will support. Automode will also see regular wireless  performance optimisation updates as well as feature-on-demand (FOD) services.

Unfortunately, Kia has refrained from revealing any further information regarding an  interior that has already remained relatively hidden. All that we can currently work from is  the EV9 concept that was revealed earlier this year, which showcased a rather plain and  minimalist cabin area. This is embellished with a spaceship-esque rectangular steering  wheel, as well as a shared digital instrument cluster and infotainment display. 

The EV9’s full unveiling is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023, where we can hope to see  a full reveal of the EV9’s specifications.


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