A vintage Land Rover once received by Sir Winston Churchill as an 80th birthday present is due to be auctioned in October.

The Series 1 vehicle, which is expected to fetch up to £60,000 at the Cheffins sale in Cambridgeshire, has been kept in a shed for more than 30 years.

It was given to the former prime minister by Rover as a birthday gift in 1954 and has several non-standard features, such as an extra-wide passenger seat, padded armrest and heated footwell.

Most unusual, however, is the fitted box reportedly used to hold Sir Winston's trowel so he could enjoy his passion for bricklaying while driving around his estate in Chartwell, Kent.

Frank Quay bought the Land Rover for £320 in 1973 after realising its historical significance and gave it to his son Leslie, who is now selling it, as a 40th birthday present.

It has 12,932 miles on the clock and a registration number of UKE 80.

"In view of Churchill's position as the foremost statesman of the 20th century, we expect a lot of interest," said Jeremy Curzon of auctioneer Cheffins.

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Posted by Michael Yates

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