It’s the human condition; we all want ‘stuff’ and we are fickle creatures. We constantly desire, lust and crave a certain something only to achieve it and realise we actually wanted something completely different.

Take a classic car for example. Say you’ve always fancied yourself behind the wheel of an E-Type Jaguar and you decide to take the plunge and buy one. Well if you’re not
blessed with mechanical prowess you are about to embark on a fraught and hazardous journey starting with finding a decent car that isn’t going to be a money pit. How are the big ends, is the chassis bodged with filler, what is that strange noise coming from the rear axle???? Tricky stuff.

You finally find the car of your dreams and hand over your hard earned cash. Now you have to find a mechanic to look after it and not abuse your obvious ignorance. Oh, and it needs a garage because you are only going to use it on high days and holidays, so your partner’s car has to go out in the road. All of a sudden, what seemed like a great idea is beginning to feel a bit like hard work.

After a year of mechanical bills the likes you’ve never seen with your nice modern car and a nagging suspicion that you should have bought a 911 in the first place, you finally sell it back to the same dealer at a £15k loss – “sorry guv, the market ain’t what it was a year ago, everybody wants XK 140s now”! Then, and this is the really funny bit, then you leave it for a couple of years and go and do the whole thing all over again with a Porsche 911 – d’oh!

This where the Classic Car Club come to the rescue; We maintain, store and insure a whole fleet of sexy and exciting cars that you can just enjoy without any of the hassles or
commitment of ownership.

The club operates a point system. Members pay a one – off joining fee and buy a package of points to exchange against days in the cars. The car they take and when they take it is up to them; their account is simply debited the points used for the booking. A standard package of 750 points costs £4,250 and gives on average 40 days driving. That E-type Jaguar we were talking about earlier for example only uses 14 points in the winter mid week and all of the cars come with unlimited mileage. Smaller packages of points are also available.

In addition to the classics we have a selection of modern cars to choose from, such as the new V8 BMW M3 cabriolet. “Ah-ha”, we hear you cry, “I can just go and buy a modern car, they’re not difficult to look after like that E-Type you saddled me with earlier!” True, but with 20% depreciation a year on the latest £50k offering from BMW and insurance premiums to make you wince you soon appreciate our concept even more.

So, as you can see you no longer need to be a gazillionaire to enjoy a taste of the good life. Next time you have that “Hmmmm, I really fancy a…….” itch we’ll help you
scratch it.

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