Austrian Milan Red Hypercar Set to Steal the Show

Despite the name, Milan Automotive is a new Austrian company producing super hyper sports cars. The company’s first car is simply called the Red. So here we have the Milan Red, which has already met with an interesting response sitting somewhere between it being described as ugly, genuine surprise and some raised eyebrows at the quoted figures. Judge for yourself…

The Red is named after the Red Kite (though I’m not sure why the ‘kite’ part has been omitted leaving just the colour) and will be a very limited edition of just 99 production vehicles.

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Rear wheel driven with an immense 1325bhp, the Red relies on a pure quad-turbo-charged 6.2-litre engine V8 engine which doesn’t use any electric motors to aid power output. Expect the power to weight ratio to be better than good as the whole vehicle weighs in at a pretty lightweight 1,300kg thanks to a carbon-fibre construction. This light weight makes the most of all the power that the engine produces to simply accelerate; 0-62mph is likely to be around a mere 2.47 seconds while 0-124mph a paltry 5.5 seconds with a top speed of around 250mph.

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Milan’s CEO Markus Fox says that the big plan for the Milan Red hypercar is to “steal the show” and with supercars like the Veyron in its sights, this is entirely possible if those figures prove to be accurate.

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The rear-wheel drive Red will have a 7-speed dual clutch transmission and will be an entirely street-legal sports car. It will feature wishbone suspension and come with 3 drive modes named after the car’s bird of prey theme. On offer is a choice of Glide, Hunt or Attack mode, instead of something more familiar like a Sports mode for instance. Brembo carbon ceramic brakes will (try) to stop the Milan Red’s 21-inch rear and 20-inch front alloy wheels from spinning.

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The Milan Red will sell for around $2.3 million and of the 99 hypercars due to be made, 18 are already pre-sold. I must say it certainly doesn’t look ugly to me – futuristic and designed for a specific job, most definitely.

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