Sportscars and the luxury end of the car market bring some of the most exciting and stunning-looking models to us – the willing consumer. However, although we can test drive these beautiful beasts before we run off into the sunset with them, it’s not often that you get the opportunity to tackle difficult parking situations with them.
This can be a real drawback to some cars that are otherwise really cool, and some of them seem like they’re just out to get you.
We’ve had a look around and have picked these as the seven cars that are ridiculously hard to park. All we can say is – thank goodness for parking sensors and smart technology, we’d be lost without it.
H2 Hummer
A fairly obvious one to begin with, as it really shouldn’t shock anyone that this fuel-guzzling monster is hard to park. Built like a small house, the Hummer H2 isn’t so much about making your life easy, as it is a symbol of luxury… and hating the environment.
We can hear some of you saying that the ride height inside the cabin is going to be a big help, which it is to an extent, but can you honestly say that it’s easier to parallel park than a city car? This is not a vehicle for backstreets and small country lanes, although if you didn’t already know that, you shouldn’t be buying it.
Lamborghini Aventador
Closer to the centre of the earth than tarmac, the Lamborghini Aventador is a sharp-shooter of a car that is hard to drive, nevermind park.
It looks like one of the coolest cars on the road and is probably our favourite out of the Lamborghini range, but even trying to get over speed bumps in this sportscar is a trial. We’ve all seen those videos online, watching someone – usually a terrified concierge – trying to squeeze an Aventador into a space that’s the size of a Smart Car. Good luck to them we say.
Phantom Corsair
This one is a bit more old school and it technically never made it into mass production but the Phantom Corsair is none the less difficult to cope with when you’re in a tight spot.
Why would it be so difficult to park on the street? Apart from drawing similarities to the Ant Hill Mob’s car from Wacky Races, it has windows that are basically non-existent. It would be like parking with your eyes shut.
Lamborghini Countach
Mr Lamborghini – which is his official title after all – was an excellent innovator of design, style and performance. However, parking clearly wasn’t high on the agenda for Ferruccio, nor does it seem to be a factor that’s under much consideration for the teams who continue to design cars under his name.
It’s the nose of the Lamborghini Countach that causes the most problems, you could easily get a chink in the armour without even trying. Of course, the gull-wing doors play their part too: You think you’ve done it and gotten into that space and then you can’t get out of the car. Touché, Countach.
Ford GT
In general, Ford is a manufacturer that tends to produce cars that are great performers and tend not to pose any problems in the real world of driving.
That’s unless you’re cruising in a Ford GT and need to stop somewhere, then it’s a whole other bucket of pistons. This car suffers from being a wideload, it has odd proportions, its roof lifts away when you open the door and the mirrors are miniscule. Just park it in a field and have done with it.
Cadillac Presidential Limousine
Like the Ant Hill, sorry, the Phantom Corsair above, this car wasn’t meant for the mass market. Its only purpose for being is owed to the inauguration of Barack Obama to the White House, hence the name Cadillac Presidential Limousine. Any car that long is going to be a nightmare to park, although that probably isn’t really an issue when you’re the president of the US.
Jaguar E-Type
The Jaguar E-Type is our most-often referenced car, and it’s part of the reason why we love it so damn much – it’s so difficult to deal with!
It’s easy to see why this vehicle is hard to fit into your standard car park space, with a nose that long it’s the Pinocchio of cars. Add to this the fact that its wheelbase is very low to the ground and its retro, but very small, wing mirrors and you’ve got yourself a bit of a mission.
£250,000 Jaguar E-Type returns to Somerset to celebrate 83rdbirthday, Monday 14 September 2015 , hen former Royal Naval Commander Bob Reed put his pride and joy, a rare 1961 Jaguar E-Type into auction little did he expect that the car would raise over £100,000 including commission or that it would be purchased by someone who would spend substantially more than the purchase price to bring it back to its former glory. PICTURED Bob back behind the wheel of his old motor. PHOTO:PAUL GILLIS / *** Local Caption *** (C)2015
+44 07791 066 852
We guarantee you won’t have a problem parking it in your driveway though, and look pretty cool when you’re doing it.
Feature Image: Cherry Hill Jeep
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