We love all things fast and extravagant here at Motor-Vision, especially when it comes to supercars – so with that said, we’re absolutely loving Lamborghini’s reveal of their new RWD Huracan Spyder.

Lamborghini RWD Huracan Spyder

Stefano Domericali’s new leadership at Lamborghini has been greatly speculated, with divide’s on if he’ll produce the goods amongst the motoring community – however, in our eyes, he’s definitely not disappointing with his first release of the RWD Huracan.

Lamborghini RWD Huracan Spyder side

The design follows the Huracan’s typical style, however the RWD is the only version of the Huracan Spyder to be rear-wheel drive only.

Lamborghini RWD Huracan Spyder rear

The new RWD version is the heaviest of the Huracan range, weighing in at a substantial 1509kg. However, the addition of anti-roll bars and optimised springs for the steering set-up can be seen, helping to control its stability. With this being a rear-wheel drive Huracan, stability wise, it see’s a 40:60 front to rear weight distribution ratio.

Lamborghini RWD Huracan Spyder

Exterior wise, a few changes have been made, with redesigns seen across the front and rear body. Along with the 19inch wheels, features of the new Huracan see front air intakes, rear fins, removal windguards and integrated ducts.

Lamborghini RWD Huracan Spyder interior

Although the price hasn’t yet been confirmed, we’re sure it’ll follow its extravagant structure with prices assumed at around £200k.

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