What is the Tetris challenge and why is it so amazing?

A new viral sensation called the ‘Tetris challenge’ sees specialist vehicles from the military and various emergency services unpacked with the contents laid out neatly on the ground next to it. Visually, it’s very appealing to look at and is designed to give you a sense of scale for just how much high tech equipment and how many specialised tools are packed into each of these vehicles.

It all started on September 1 when the police of Zurich, Switzerland, posted this image of one of their traffic police patrol cars. A rather humble display when put into context of all the other attempts at the challenge but nonetheless, it was visually appealing enough to inspire the rest of the world to do the same. 

Unless you drive these vehicles yourself, what’s inside of them is a total mystery. For the average person, it’s hard to even imagine what lays inside of these expensive and highly technical machines. We may rely on them to put out our fires and treat the wounded on the go but it’s become very clear that the components that make these feats possible are vast, innumerable and alien.

After the Zurich police posted their image, it soon took off gaining thousands of views from people all over the world and from there, it snowballed into a worldwide sensation.

This post from a Belgian police division reads “Always wanted to know what is in our emergency aid combi? Then take a look.”

The interesting thing about this one is that it appears to feature a perp!

The International Federation of Red Cross took it one step further and made a short stop motion video of their ambulance being unpacked in its entirety, including four paramedics! Flat packed and ready to go!

If you like hoses then you’ll be happy to see this fire truck from the Singapore Civil Defence Force! They even through in an ambulance as well.

The Forester Supervision & Enforcement in the Netherlands showed off their 4×4 and everything that comes with it, including a telescopic ladder, a dog sign and two rangers.

Hungarian Police did one better and decided to pander to the dog lovers out there. One officer and two dogs laid among other essential tools and equipment such as body vests, handcuffs and of course, a couple of dog toys.

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Somogy megye a kihívást teljesítette. 🙌🏼 Három négylábú kollégánk (a 8 éves Niva, a 6 éves Inka és a 2 éves Swarek) és Alexandra az alap rendőri felszerelések mellett kipakolta az összes eszközt és felszerelést, ami a nyomkövető munkához és kutyaképzéshez szükséges. 🚓 🐕🐕🐕 👮🏼‍♂️ A következő kihívott a Budapesti Rendőr-főkapitányság, és nekik is a bünűgyi bevetési szakterületük 👊🏼 @brfk_budapest_hungary , srácok, mindent pakoljatok ki a betonra, ne hagyjatok semmit az autóban 🤗 #challange #tetrischallenge #policecars #missioncompleted #whatismycar #budapest #budapestirendőrfőkapitányság #rendőrség #police #hivatás

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It didn’t take long for the challenge to evolve past the ordinary police cars, ambulances and fire trucks. The Tetris challenge soon took to the sea, the air and to the battlegrounds.

For example, in Indonesia someone took things to the next level by involving a fighter jet! The caption reads “The photo session with Pekanbaru Air Squadron 12 at the shelter was taken by Remote Pilot FASI Pekanbaru who directly coordinated with the Airport ATC”.

If you prefer more armoured vehicles, how about this Panzer Howitzer artillery tank? Complete with 5 personnel, around 28 shells and enough kit to make a boy scout faint.

The Berlin Police decided to go as big as possible and dismantled their EC135 helicopter into parts to fill an incredible photo.

In case you wondered what lays inside of a big scary tank…Tetris Challenge – Tankers of the 120th Mechanized Brigade (Belarus).

Even the UN got involved with this internet challenge! See here an armed patrol vehicle with 4 personnel, 4 assault rifles, one heavy machine gun with a very long belt of ammunition and 8 large bottles of water because staying hydrated is important!

There are many more like this, from more tanks and helicopters to boats and ambulances. No matter what vehicle it is, we’ve got to say that the Tetris challenge is always preferable to the ice bucket challenge and miles better than that awful Harlem shake trend from 2013.

Let us know which Tetris challenge attempt was your favourite down in the comments!

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