In the beginning there was the 14/28 Super Sports model, the very first car to wear the iconic octagonal badge we have come to know and love.

Fast forward around 90 years to the MG3 & MG6 and we enter a new era of MG, following a whole lot of ups and downs in their journey so far. As a famously ‘British’ car maker, it may have been a surprise to hear that as a result of their re-launch, China’s largest vehicle manufacturer now own MG.

However, the company is quick to assure us that all designing, engineering and final assembly takes place in their Birmingham offices. MG UK have their two latest models as their primary focus when it comes to promotion and who can blame them when you consider that the company announced a record high in sales early in 2015.

While enthusiasts may adore the thrilling Midgets and MGB roadsters of yesteryear, the new kids on the block offer a sleek, modern alternative that still retains the same spirit of its forerunners. MG has been making cars since 1924 and even when the MG Rover Group collapsed in 2005, they didn’t just give up.

Soon after this, the company was bought by NAC (later merging with SAIC) and by 2011 the MG6 GT was launched as the first all-new MG for 16 long years. This grand reveal was closely followed by the launch of the MG3 in 2013.

There have been many high profile MG owners, including the Prince of Wales who chose a cobalt blue MGC GT as his first car in 1968, and we are sure with the recent resurgence of the brand many more famous faces will be spotted behind the wheel of an MG in the future.

It’s great to see the legendary MG brand return to the British market but given the choice, would you prefer a classic MG or one of the updated MG3/MG6 models?

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