Custom motorcycle builder Bandit9 appears to have sprung into life from a frustration that there might be just a little too much retro invading our lives over the past few years. They ask on their website; where is the pioneering and the boldness and ingenuity? Bandit9’s answer to the perceived situation is the EVE Odyssey; a motorcycle that looks about as space-age as you might ever get with the limited real estate that a 2-wheeler can make use of. If I was being harsh, it reminds me of a metal toothpick when viewed from above, but from the side it looks sleek and very intriguing.

The EVE Odyssey is both angular and yet also very sleekly designed to cut through the air with ease. And like most motorcycles – a feature I think is quite unique to this mode of transport – enhances its modern aesthetic with the futuristic look of a paint-free shiny metal exterior (it’s amazing how a simple retro paintjob can transform the way we perceive a motorcycle of almost any design). So, this is a wise choice from Bandit9 – it really gets the point across.

The EVE Odyssey is a 125cc 4-stroke design that follows hot on the heels of the EVE, a motorcycle which looked a little more like a cross between a radical Californian bicycle cruiser and a motorcycle when compared to the jet engine looks of the EVE Odyssey.

The shiny metal is made from the same space-grade aluminium that NASA uses for its spacecraft, and the stylish unibody incorporates the steering, lighting, seating, and the fuel tank into one solid aerodynamic unit.

Bandit9 describes the EVE Odyssey as a collector’s item with a top speed of 68mph and a range of 156 miles per gallon – which, they say, is enough to reach the edge of space and back. Indeed, the EVE Odyssey is swathed in space related connections with the use of the astronaut suits in the starkly lit publicity material.

It may surprise you to find out that this isn’t just a concept motorcycle; Bandit9 will actually sell you an EVE Odyssey motorcycle for $15,500 which includes complimentary engraving and a choice of neoprene or leather seating – that’s currently just a smidgeon under £13,000. If you want to wait a while for something a little greener, Bandit9 says that an electric version is on the cards too, though there’s no hint as to when we might see an electric version as yet.


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