Tesla are once again in the news for all the wrong reasons, unfortunately

In a swift, unannounced move, Tesla have decided to drastically reduce the prices of their “Model S” saloon and “Model X” SUV. Tesla owners, as you would imagine, are not happy at all and in some regions, customers have organised protests at Tesla stores and Supercharger stations. Starting prices of the Model S and Model X have dropped by $12,000 and $18,000 in the US and not everyone’s happy about it.

Imagine buying a Tesla and finding that the price has reduced by $26,000

Tesla Model 3 and Model X parked 1

Tesla owners in China were among some of the worst affected. One particular customer in China, with a username of “Luweijuzi”, posted on social media site Weibo:

“”I received Tesla’s Model X on February 25, and I only drove this car for five days before Tesla announced a price reduction of 174,300 yuan ($25,989.87). I’m probably the most unlucky new buyer … That’s unfair,”

In China, the price cuts went all the way up to reductions of 341,100 yuan (roughly £38,000) on certain models and specs.

Prices in Taiwan also took one of the most substantial hits, with prices being basically cut in half on some models – for example, the Model S P100D dropped by almost $100,000.

Tesla Model 3 and Model X parked 2

Tesla owners here in the UK weren’t safe from the price slashing either. The Model S Ludicrous Performance model was reduced to just £84,100. The previous equivalent model, the Model S P100D cost a whopping £131,305 which is £48,000 more!

The Model S 100D used to cost £93,205 but has now been replaced by the newer equivalent “Long Range” model which now costs just under £77,000.

Protests ensue

It may be strange to hear that people are angry about cars being cheaper and many people don’t understand it. Tesla owners are the ones affected, not people who haven’t bought one yet. As car prices go, usually what happens is older models depreciate and when a newer model comes out, you’d expect it to cost more than older models. Well in this case, the newer models costed less, so you can understand why existing customers were angry.

People defend Tesla

Tesla Model X front side 3

We think it’s pretty clear that this is a very customer-unfriendly move for Tesla. Without warning, Tesla has made their car drastically cheaper over a very short period of time. Those who had just ordered a Tesla days, weeks or months ago are now finding out, by surprise, that if they waited they could have saved thousands of pounds, dollars, yuan etc.

However, there are countless Tesla fans that argue the company has done nothing wrong.

“Would they rather they go bankrupt and give everyone refunds? Or help make a difference for everyone and their kids?” – @Rick_Scinta

“Hopefully they will get over it.  Bound to be some people upset, but then a flood of new happy owners will drown them out” – @EthicsGradient

“Gotta love the wave of global headlines of people complaining the cars got too cheap. This will blow over and so many potential buyers will have checked out the new prices” – @SiberianOdyssey on Twitter

“In other news, the cell phone I bought a while back is suddenly a lot cheaper now. What gives?!?  ;)” – @enn_nafnlaus

“It’s ridiculous. You buy any tech as an early adopter & it costs more. We don’t see protests for other car prices changing, because THAT’S BUSINESS. Really getting sick of this malarkey.” – @DOfaquarius

So, where do your opinions lie? Let us know in the comments!

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