Our partners over at Grove & Dean held their fourth Annual Strategy Day at the Double Tree Hilton last week, and received a rather inspirational introduction.

Mark and Martin from Team Brit were invited along to join in with the day by Grove & Dean’s Motorsport team and we encouraged to talk to staff about their incredible journey and the exciting work that they have been a part of.

Kicking off the day’s presentations, Team Brit’s inspirational talk about their lives, and how they’ve ended up in the Motorsport sector, gave staff a fantastic insight into the extraordinary background story of Team Brit and their future plans of their big dream; to compete at Le Mans.

Any Motor-Vision followers would have seen previous blog posts supporting the guys at Team Brit, as well as how they’re getting on in the motorsport industry and if you follow us, Grove & Dean or their Motorsport team on social Media, you’ll see just how inspirational the team continue to be and how it is fully supported by us!

It was also great to hear that the Team embrace the efforts that the guys at Grove & Dean Motorsport put in and that their hard-work attaining the correct insurance and their support does not go unnoticed.

Warming the audience with anecdotes and stories helped everyone on the day to understand exactly what Team Brit do and how far they have actually come.

The guys took the time to speak to the staff at the strategy day, before heading off to Buckingham Palace – but we’re sure this was definitely the highlight of their day… They even won the prize of best presentation!

The Grove & Dean Motorsport department and everyone from the Grove & Dean Group wish both Mark and Martin all the best with reaching their dream of competing at Le Mans and will continue to support and cherish the working relationship with them.

Go Team Brit!

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