In January last year, Channel 4 aired a new documentary called “Millionaire Boy Racers” which showed mega-rich Arab tourists flocking the streets of London during the summer periods along with their very expensive supercars (as you do).
Everyone deserves a holiday and one elite group of Arab tourists choose London as their destination during the summer months for a “relaxing” holiday. What isn’t so relaxing is the job of transporting their supercars along for the trip. As many have found out, it can be a bit of a nightmare! Some cars are even impounded by the British police for not having the correct documentation or insurance for their vehicles here in the UK, one story that was covered can be found here.
Our friends over at Tollgate Private Clients are offering a bespoke, tailored service to those who are looking for temporary insurance for their high-value vehicles here in the UK. In the past, it has been difficult for individuals to gain cover for their vehicles for use on UK roads (with the possibilities of European Cover being included). However, Tollgate Private Clients are here to make things easier with tailored policies to suit the individual and their vehicle.
Tollgate Private Clients are part of the Grove & Dean Group, a family-run, company formed 40 years ago. Throughout this period of time, not only has a wealth of knowledge and great industry understanding been established but a key lesson has been learned, that the foundations to a successful business are trusted relationships.
The bespoke policy is tailored towards Emirates based clients, however, Tollgate Private Clients can also cater for anyone looking for temporary cover for their high-value vehicles. The scheme also allows it’s clients to travel to and from the EU, with a dedicated service to all clientele. The scheme is only available through Tollgate Private Clients and the policies are underwritten by Aviva.
Vehicles need to have legally acceptable plates and a UK address will be a requirement. Track days, Racing, Rallying etc. are excluded. For further enquiries and to take full advantage of this unique policy contact:
Dave Goodman on: 01708 436 838 or 07500 702 749.
Visit: for more.
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