If you only take away one thing about the Tesla Model X, it should be that it can accelerate faster than a Ferrari… sorry, Enzo.

There are a huge amount of features on this car that are going to have you thinking seriously about how rubbish the projections in Back to the Future were.

So, how exactly is this the car of the future?

Well, it has seven seats, a top speed of 155mph, is fully electric (naturally) and has two engine booster buttons called Ludicrous and Insane that are the stuff of sci-fi dreams.

It sounds like a completely fictional model, but you can expect to see these driving around British roads by the end of this year.

Tesla founder Elon Musk has basically let the creativity of himself and his team run wild for the Model X.

Everything about the model pushes further than the usual sporty runner; for example, where an ordinary sportscar might have gull-wing doors, Tesla has traded them up to falcon wings. Nice.

These rear doors open out and up, which apparently makes them perfect for when you’ve had to park in a tight spot. Realistically, we think they’re more about giving the car some extra pizazz, but that makes them no less impressive.

What was the inspiration for these falcon wings? Star Wars, obviously. Musk is a massive fan of the franchise and wanted to show his sense of humour in the X by using the love of one of his favourite films.

The aim was to make the car look like fun, compared to SUVs created by rivals that are much more serious in their approach.

If it’s fun you’re looking for, hit the Ludicrous button and the SUV accelerates so hard you’ll lose your breath. The top of the range model sprints 0-60 mph in 3.2 seconds, which is 0.6 seconds faster than the Ferrari FF.

Prices for the Tesla Model X wonder machine start from £71,900, which puts it alongside luxury SUV models from Range Rover and Porsche.

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