If you are thinking about buying a Nissan Leaf and are trying to decide on a colour then you may be drawn in by the new glow in the dark option if it is released commercially.

Glow In The Dark Nissan

Yes, Nissan is now the first manufacturer to give one of its cars a glow in the dark paint job. This is part of the market-leading all-electric Leaf’s campaign to encourage more people to turn to solar energy at home.

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The paint option is known as Starpath and was created by Hamish Scott. Starpath absorbs UV energy during the day so that when night falls it can glow for between eight and ten hours.

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At present, drivers can get glowing car paint in the form of wraps. Yet what sets Starpath apart is that it comes from a secret formula that is made up of only organic materials. One of the products it contains is strontium aluminate, which is naturally made in the east, is solid, odourless and both chemically and biologically inert.

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Nissan is the first company to directly apply glow in the dark paint, rather than drivers having to ask third parties to apply such paintwork over their car’s existing coating. What’s more, Nissan’s paint would last for 25 years if it were to sell it.

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Already, the Nissan Leaf is making its mark as a cheap to run vehicle that is also environmentally friendly. Currently, there are 7,500 owners of the Nissan Leaf and many have reported that they have made huge savings with this car. They are also using these savings on such items as solar panels, which helps to decrease their household carbon footprint and also gives them a free way to charge their vehicle.

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Research from Nissan showed that 89 per cent of people who own a Leaf charge their car at home overnight. Because solar panels feed leftover energy generated during the day back into the national grid, owners can get a government payment that could cover the cost of charging their Leaf.

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