As electric cars become increasingly popular and the infrastructure to support them grows, there is no doubt that there will be huge benefits for any carmaker that can gain a reputation for producing top-quality vehicles.

tesla a

For that reason, the latest developments on the road are as important as the installation of charging points, or government pronouncements such as its recent declaration of intent to phase out petrol and diesel cars by the 2040s.

Why The Mitsubishi Evo Is Overrated 1

Nissan was always likely to be among the front-runners in the race to produce the most ground-breaking electric cars. After all, as a Japanese firm it can be relied on to look to be innovative, seeking to push the boundaries with new ideas and gadgetry.


Its original Nissan Leaf model, launched in 2010, was the first mass-market electric car. As the Daily Express review of the 2018 model notes, that has given it a great head-start on the competition, with 300,000 now sold in Britain.

Nissan Leaf 2011 white Front

Of course, there were some aspects of the 2010 model that only the most niche of vehicles could get away with, leaving plenty of room for improvements in its successors. The Express review noted that the original had an appearance “only a mother could love”, with the latest version looking much more aesthetically pleasing.

Nissan Leaf 2018 front side 1

With Jaguar’s I-Pace already out there and both Porsche and Audi bringing out all-electric models within the next year, the competition will certainly hot up, and that can only be good news for motorists. It means more competition for performance and style.

Jaguar I-Pace front

Indeed, there is a lot more choice on the market now than is often perceived. The AA ran a poll this month and found 67 per cent of motorists believe there is not enough choice in the electric vehicle marketplace.

Nissan Leaf 2018 Charging

Reflecting on this in an address to the LowCVP annual conference last week, AA president Edmund King said there is a need for those supporting the development of electric cars to “dispel some of the myths” about them. He highlighted how “the range, charging speed and charging point infrastructure are all on the increase,” but he might also have noted that the choice of vehicles is too. For now, however, it seems Nissan is definitely still the clear leader.

Nissan Leaf 2018 Front

But what do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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