The new Audi TT is set to be kinder to the environment than its predecessor, though it will not be compromising on power. In fact, it offers more.

Audi TT 14 Greener

Compared to the last version of the Audi TT, the new car produces 11 per cent less greenhouse gas emissions, while it enjoys an increase in power output of 14 per cent.

That means that over the course of its lifespan, each Audi TT saves roughly 5.5 tonnes of greenhouse gases – this includes carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide and halogenated organic emissions.

Audi TT - Greener

Board member for technical development at Audi AG Professor Dr Ulrich Hackenberg said: “Our goal is to reduce significantly the overall emissions of each model compared with its predecessor,”

“However, it’s not just a matter of what comes out of the exhaust pipe. At Audi, we look at the entire product and process chain associated with mobility.”

Audi TT - Greener

Audi carefully considered the kinds of technologies that would go into the new TT. One of those was lightweight construction, as a range of materials was used to reduce the unladen weight of the vehicle. The second generation Audi TT weighed 90 kg less than its predecessor. Now the front-wheel drive 2.0 TFSI engine version car weighs only 1,230 kg, which is 50 kg lighter than the model before it.

What’s more, the lightweight construction has resulted in a change in the manufacturing process. Here it has been able to bring down the amount of greenhouse gases produced by around nine per cent, or 800 kg. This represents a real benefit to customers and could see a little reduction in road tax. Audi says that the entire lifecycle assessment of the car is better than the previous version.

Audi TT - Greener

Audi plans to spend more time and money on creating new products and more sustainable technologies, with plans to invest €22 billion (£17.5 billion) between now and 2018.

Audi TT - Greener

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