Crash barriers should be redesigned to improve safety measures for motorcyclists, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has claimed.

According to research cited by the organisation, British riders are currently 15 times more likely to be killed when they hit a crash barrier than car drivers.

In addition, hitting a crash barrier is said to be a factor in eight to 16 per cent of all motorcyclist deaths.

"Roads in general and crash barriers in particular are largely designed with four or more wheels in mind. The needs of more vulnerable motorcyclists must become a priority," said IAM chairman Alistair Cheyne.

Writing in the latest issue of the IAM members' magazine Advanced Driving, he added that Britain is a world leader in road safety but unfortunately still "lags behind on this issue".

Experts have previously suggested that concrete crash barriers are much safer for motorcyclists than steel barriers, which can cause multiple injuries on impact.

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Posted by Paul Durcan

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