Many of us may think of owning an Italian Supercar as a very distant dream, likely never to come true. But before we go crying ourselves to sleep, we should all realise that the dream is not as far away as we think.

You can actually buy an Italian dream machine for a lot less than you think and we’re here to say that you can get one for less than a Honda Civic! Believe it or not, we’re going to try and explain ourselves and exactly how this ludicrous statement is completely achievable.

Honda Civic 2017 1

Firstly, we’re going to be using the most expensive Civic as a baseline figure so we have more money to play with. This would be the 2017 Type R GT which comes in at about £33,500 straight from the Honda website. I mean, you didn’t really expect to be able to buy a Ferrari for under £18k did you?

Secondly, do not expect to be able to buy a LaFerrari or an Aventador for this kind of money. We will be looking at Italian supercars, but we won’t be looking at Italian supercars that cost more than a Civic Type R so be prepared for high mileage, faded polish and worn leather.

Ferrari Dino 2

If you’re a fan of Top Gear, you may remember that the three of them were able to buy a Ferrari Dino, Maserati Merak and a Lamborghini Urraco all for under £10,000. That may be over 10 years ago, but still, it does highlight the point that supercars don’t have to just be for the rich and famous. Looking for a cheap Italian supercar is easier than you think. Simply choose a few good car selling websites and search for your desired Italian manufacturer, then filter the results from low to high. Ferrari and Maserati are your best bets as you’re much less likely to find any Lamborghinis or Paganis for under £40,000.

Lamborghini Urraco 3

The first car we found is a classic Ferrari. Sure it may be more “old” than it is “classic” but still, these Ferrari Mondials are still going to turn heads thanks to the instantly recognisable red paint and yellow badge. The Mondial can often be found for under £30,000 due to them being one of the least appreciated Ferraris ever. Nonetheless, we’ve been able to find a very well kept specimen with 46,000 miles (not too bad for this price) on it for only £27,950. Check it out in the image below:

Ferrari Mondial 4

But it doesn’t stop there, other Mondials can be found elsewhere for similar prices of around £30k on AutoTrader. They’re quite widely available for Civic pricing so if you’re interested, get searching now before prices go up.

Ferrari Mondial 6

For Ferraris, there’s not just 2 or 3, but a decent amount of classics you can find online for high-end Civic money. However, if you want a much larger pool to choose from, we would recommend looking at Maseratis. The (current gen) Maserati Granturismo can sometimes be found for under £20,000, which really is Honda Civic money. Take this 2008 4.2-litre Granturismo we found after just 5 minutes of looking. Pristine beauties like this can be found all over the place and not only are they faster than a Civic of the same price, they’re 1000 times cooler as well.

maserati granturismo sport special edition

The Mondial and Granturismo are just 2 of the examples we could find in our short search for cheap Italian supercars. We can only imagine the hidden gems one would find during a whole evening of internet-scouring, and if Clarkson can get a Ferrari for under £10k, we should be able to get one for under £30k. So just remember, Italian supercars can be bought for less than a Civic, but that doesn’t mean they should be. Add on the running costs and insurance and you’ll soon find that a Civic Type R may have been the better choice.

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