Looks like Ferrari will continue to develop their electric tech. Could an EV Ferrari be in the works?

Although Ferrari are willing to make hybrid supercars, the company has famously been against making a full-electric model for a while. However, a new Ferrari patent has enthusiasts all revved up over the potential of a new electric Ferrari that could one day grace the mythical production plants of Maranello where the prancing horses are created.

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

The patent shows a four-motor design with a 3-speed gearbox, which is very intriguing, to say the least. In the past, Ferrari’s hybrid LaFerrari and SF90 Stradale had one electric motor and three electric motors respectively, making this patent stand out as something completely new.

Rimac have already been producing electric supercars that have four motors for years, with all of their mad creations having extremely quick acceleration and unbelievable horsepower figures. Could Ferrari be looking to compete with Rimac, or could this just be another hybrid?

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

An electric motor at each wheel allows for the car to decide how much power is sent to each corner of the car at lightning-quick speeds, which should make for some blistering track times. And with Ferrari’s F8 Tributo showcasing the latest in e-diff technology, we’re confident that if Ferrari did decide to make this patent into a real car, it would be the best there is.

Furthermore, with electric cars lacking a conventional engine, the space that manufacturers can play with is totally different. Ferrari would be able to have full reign of the front and rear end, being able to make it into any shape they see best for optimum aerodynamics, style or most unlikely, practicality.

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves because as we said, Ferrari are particularly stubborn when it comes to embracing the EV revolution.

In 2011, the chairman of Ferrari at the time, Luca di Montezemolo, said: “I don’t feel they represent an important step forward for [fighting] pollution, CO2 and the environment.”.

In 2016 at the Geneva Motor Show, Ferrari Chairman Sergio Marchionne said “With Ferrari, it’s almost an obscene concept” and “You’d have to shoot me first.”.

Ferrari’s chief technology officer, Michael Hugo Leiters, said at last year’s Geneva Motor Show “We have to have a certain credibility” which can either mean “electric car technology isn’t up to standard yet” or “electric cars are beneath us”, depending on how you want to interpret it.

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

So it’s fair to say, over the years, Ferrari has not changed its tune when it comes to considering the idea of making an EV model, which is why this patent is very interesting indeed!

The main reasons for the Italian automaker’s objection to making an EV model are down to the technological limitations. Ferraris are high-performance cars and are run hard. They need to be built to withstand high-speed abuse as their driven full-throttle around tracks and launched over and over again. Current battery technology does not allow for this without the cells degrading at an unacceptable rate, meaning the car will need a replacement battery within a matter of years.

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

Even the founder of electric supercar company Rimac, Mate Rimac, says there are limitations to electric performance cars.

Rimac said at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show: “What is a big challenge is long-term performance, thermal limitations of overheating batteries and powertrains,”

“So that’s something we are working really hard to solve and I think we can solve that but it’s a big, big challenge.”

Ferrari Patent Hints At New Electric Supercar

Out of 10, what do you think the likelihood is of this patent eventually materialising into a real, tangible electric Ferrari supercar? Let us know in the comments.

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One Response

  1. Vince Tarling

    Electric motors at each wheel means very fast controllable speed and performance with lightening fast changes in power distribution ! a performance car company would be a fool to ignore the potentials.

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