GEM Motoring Assist has argued in favour of reducing the drink-driving limit in the UK following the publication of proposals to do just that in Scotland.

At present, the current drink-drive limit in the UK stands at 80mg/100ml of blood alcohol, but the Scottish government is now aiming to reduce this to just 50mg/100ml.

It is hoped that by reducing the limit for alcohol consumption, more motorists would be put off having a drink before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle.

David Williams, chief executive officer of GEM, said: "There is no doubt that lives would be saved, year-on-year, with a lower drink drive limit."

He added that it is extremely important to get the message across in the run-up to the festive period that drinking and driving is never acceptable.

The news follows recent calls from road safety charity Brake for a clampdown on individuals found guilty of drink-driving, with members of the public being urged to commit to never drink and drive.

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Posted by Jack Smith

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