Many professional drivers take unnecessary – and often illegal – risks when out on the roads, new research has shown.

Data compiled by road safety charity Brake revealed how 31 per cent of all professional drivers admit to having texted while in charge of a moving vehicle, while a further 17 per cent say they have been caught grooming – such as putting on makeup or shaving – when behind the wheel.

Julie Townsend, Brake deputy chief executive, said: "It is appalling so many people who drive in a professional capacity are taking such horrendous and unnecessary risks, doing things we all know are unbelievably dangerous behind the wheel."

She added that professional drivers should be even more acutely aware of the legal ramifications of these dangerous acts, as well as understanding the damage that can be caused by reckless driving.

Brake will be holding a safety seminar for all road users on January 23rd in Birmingham, where it will be showcasing the latest in vehicle safety technologies and driver aids that could boost road safety in the UK.

If you're a convicted driver looking for cover, speak to the insurance experts at Performance Direct – one of the UK's leading specialist insurers.

Posted by Jack Smith

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