The number of motorists being arrested for drink-drive offences in Cheshire fell during the recent festive period in comparison to the same time in 2011, new data has revealed.

Local publication the Northwich Guardian reports Cheshire Police undertook Operation Keret between December 1st 2012 and January 1st this year, with 95 per cent of drivers undertaking breath tests being given the all clear – just 157 of 3,273 individuals tested failed.

Assistant chief constable Ruth Purdie said: "The outcome of the 2012 winter drink driving campaign shows the excellent work and tenacity of our officers in keeping our roads safe."

However, she added that a significant number of drivers still place themselves and others in danger by driving while under the influence.

Recent figures published by the Association of Chief Police Officers showed 7,123 drivers were arrested in December for being intoxicated while in charge of a vehicle.

This was a similar number to that seen in 2011, but the actual proportion of arrests fell as more motorists were breathalysed in 2012.

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Posted by Jack Smith

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