In 2009 for the 50th anniversary of the Mini, well experienced traveller Duncan Mortimer set off on his third trip around the world in his 1978 Mini Clubman 1275 GT.

Duncan made his first trip around the world in 1996 using only road maps but this time, in the same car, he planned to install advanced GPS technology to help navigate his way.

The around the world adventure was in aid of the ‘Help the Heroes’ and various cancer charities, as well as to recreate the experience of his previous two trips. He received the funding for his third expedition by gaining the attention of the team at the Performance Direct Non Standard Awards.

In total there were a planned 33,480 miles, 954 gallons, four ships, four flights and a ferry all needed to complete the exhausting journey. Duncan had made a detailed itinerary, which would take him through 20 countries in 12 weeks.

The 33,480 miles it would take to drive around the world was made up from 8,000 miles across the USA and Canada, 1,500 miles through Japan, 12,000 miles around Australia and a final stretch from Singapore to France totalling 11,980 miles.

On April 29th Duncan drove to Southampton in the 10 foot Mini that he was going to spend the next 12 weeks driving. It was here that the car was loaded onto a cargo container to be shipped to New York where it would be greeted by him in a fortnight’s time.

Two weeks later when he flew to Newark NJ airport Duncan was reunited with his beloved car. He had arranged to head to a company who provided him with an array of computers and GPS systems. So unlike his previous trips, there would be no map reading and hopefully no getting lost!

For a car that was 31 years old and had been around the world twice, this trip was already going to be risky. Duncan had attached a small modified trailer to the rear of the Mini, complete with every possible car part that he may need if something was to go wrong. In essence, if he needed to mechanically rebuild the entire Mini, it was possible.

Once all the modifications needed for the trip were complete, Duncan set off on his third trip around the world. First travelling from east to west coast of America, Duncan then planned to go to Japan along with the Mini . Once he had driven through the country, it was on to Australia where he would drive up the east coast. Then it was another ship to Singapore where he would then drive across Asia and Europe on his way back to Great Britain.

Although Duncan had achieved his around the world challenge before, this time, with so many repairs and such a large amount of funding required, it was essential that he was backed by a sponsor like the Performance Direct Non Standard Awards. As well as financial support, the Performance Direct Non Standard Awards provided support for Duncan when times were low, helping him and his beloved Mini make it back home safe and sound.

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