The amazing Lister Motor Company has announced that it’s launching a very limited edition run of a new Lister Knobbly Jaguar Stirling Moss model.

In all, there will be just ten of these cars produced and each is going to feature a handmade magnesium body and lightweight spec in homage to the original racing Knobblys of the 1950s.

These limited-edition models are a follow-on series from a previous run of ten aluminium-bodied continuations, which have all sold out!

Production of the cars took place in 2014 at George Lister Engineering using the same techniques that were employed to build the original models over 60 years ago.

The Jaguar Stirling Moss Knobblys are available in either full race or road specification and each one will be painted in classic racing green and yellow colours.

A note of certification comes from a plaque signed by Sir Stirling Moss, which will be a feature on the car and Sir Stirling will also be personally handing over the cars to each new owner.

The motivation for the limited editions is to celebrate Moss’ races for Brian Lister in the works racing cars in the 1950s. None of the original magnesium-bodied works cars survive, which makes this limited edition run a special opportunity for collectors.

We imagine that it’s going to be collectors who are the perfect audience for these Knobblys, as well as people who are serious Lister enthusiasts.

The magnesium body of these new variants is extremely important because it’s such a fascinating material. It’s lightweight like carbon fibre, but where the latter is easy to source, the former is difficult to find and it’s very expensive.

Magnesium isn’t as easy to work with either and it requires a special craftmanship to produce a perfect, hand-turned piece of bodywork.

It should come as no surprise that thanks to parts being hard to source and a serious level of skill needed to make these already limited-edition cars, each model has a hefty price tag. Just a teeny £1 million to us mere mortals.

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