Movies – or films, depending on your liking for Americanisms – and in particular the stars of these screenings get to drive and smash some seriously amazing cars.

Iconic vehicles that most of us can only but dream of being near, never mind getting behind the wheel and tearing up the tarmac with them.

However, films do have a habit of heinously destroying some of the most beautiful cars ever made – we’re sure that you can think of some right now totally unprompted.

Several directors and producers of movies that ruin beautiful cars really seem to have a fondness for smashing up some classic automobiles, but although it breaks our heart a bit, we have to admit that in most cases it does add to the action in quite a spectacular fashion.

In fact sometimes, these film makers create iconic car crash movie scenes that preserve the memory of beautiful cars long after they’ve been crushed!

Real Cars Destroyed On Set

We’ve picked out our top five films that have ruined some of the most stunning cars in the history of cinema.

We would say they’re our top favourite choices, but that would taste a bit bitter seeing as it saddens us to see them take a fender bender!

Let us know what you think of our choices and we’re keen to hear your thoughts on which films have wrecked which cars in style.

Aston Martin DB5 in James Bond: Skyfall

Skyfall - Aston Martin DB5 Reveal

This one had to be first, the hype that was knocking around for the comeback of this car was huge. James Bond: Once again driving the iconic DB5, just like Sean Connery in Goldfinger.

A huge gasp when Bond does the big reveal of it with M, little machine guns coming out of the back end in a nod to the classic era of the movies and then… it gets shot to bits. Thanks a lot Javier Bardem, you evil genius.

A quick Google to find out some more about this will tell you that apparently the film bods in charge actually made 3D-printed versions that were a third the size of the actual DB5, and that they used an old Porsche 928 for various bits of the blowing up and destruction.

This might very well be true and we hope it is because it just looks so real!

About 10 1975-1976 Ford Gran Torinos in Starsky and Hutch

Starsky and Hutch - Gran Torino

Unlike the references to 3D printing and using inferior cars in Skyfall, the makers of the 2004 Starsky and Hutch film really did destroy around ten Ford Gran Torinos. Clint Eastwood would weep.

As our friends from across the pond write on IMDB, they were completely “totalled” and in fact only two survived the filming.

One of the survivors was a genuine 1976 Gran Torino and the other had a 1974 base. Again, and according to IMDB, Owen Wilson was genuinely nervous when Ben Stiller was behind the wheel of the Torino, despite the fact that Stiller had qualifications from a stunt-driving school.

Ford Mustang: Bullitt

The original Ford Mustang in Steve McQueen's 'Bullitt'

In total, over 80 cars were destroyed in the making of this film, which is arguably one of the best car movies of all time, largely thanks to its iconic chase scene.

But sadly, the Mustang bit the bullet after a while, which was probably due to the fact that McQueen had been driving it at speeds over 100mph for prolonged periods of time. Long may she rest.

A Mercedes, several Porsches and a Lamborghini in A Good Day to Die Hard

Car Wrecking Die Hard

We’re big fans of the Die Hard franchise at SMART-MOTORING HQ (we’re still getting over the loss of Alan Rickman), but there’s no denying that after the third installment, the quality really started dropping.

And then, of course, there’s the abomination that was A Good Day to Die Hard – what was happening there? Apart from a lot of awkward dialogue and yes, the utter destruction of nearly every car that was used in the movie.

132 cars were polished off in this film, including a Mercedes Zetros Unimog, several Porsche Carreras and a Lamborghini that quite simply, got run over.

Another 518 cars were damaged, totalling a destruction bill of £7.2 million. Yippee Ki… no. Just no.

Blues Brothers: All the cop cars

The Blues Brothers (1980) - Chased by the Cops Scene (7/9) | Movieclips

Proper fans of this film won’t be surprised to see it make the list, what might interest you however, is that A Good Day to Die Hard actually stripped Blues Brothers of its title for wrecking the most cars.

A mere 103 motors were torn apart in the 1980 original, and 104 were given the same treatment in the 2000 remake.

It was the police car chase in the 1980 film that took the most heat, 60 police cars were bought for $400 (£280) apiece, and although they were each fitted with a reinforced chassis, none of them made it past filming.

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One Response

  1. Dale Morrison

    One of the most famous shows with one of the most iconic cars from the show the Dukes of Hazzard with the iconic Dodge Chargers the general Lee wasn’t listed.. what a shame..

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