Vauxhalls, we Brits love ‘em. More than 269,000 new griffin-badged cars were snapped up in the UK last year alone, making Vauxhall the UK’s second best-selling carmaker behind Ford.

Performance variants naturally attract a passionate following so when you combine a brand as popular as Vauxhall and ramp up the horsepower, it’s easy to understand why the annual Performance Vauxhall Show always draws a healthy turnout from hardcore fans. They had to be especially dedicated this year with the weather trying its best to make it a rather soggy affair.

Almost 10,000 petrolheads defied the rain and descended on Northamptonshire’s Santa Pod Raceway to get an eyeful of more than 2,000 special Vauxhalls, which took in everything from retro Novas, Chevettes, and Astras to more modern models like the VX220 and Monaro.

There was also the opportunity for owners to parade their pride and joy in the Show & Shine competition, which pulled together the most pristine Vauxhalls that are in the UK right now.

Judges weren’t especially looking for an immaculate heritage model, so a spotless 1975 Cavalier wouldn’t be the default winner. Indeed, the award went to a fourth-gen Astra Bertone Convertible, owned by Mad Vauxhall Club member James Pearson.

Further pride was felt by the Mk5 Astra Club, which was crowned ‘best club stand’.

While the ‘best wheels award’ went to Jake Clarke’s Ferrari five-spoked Arden Blue Mk5 Astra VXR.

This wasn’t a straightforward stand-and-gawp show though, with punters invited to drag-race their own Vauxhall on the famous quarter-mile Santa Pod strip. Never mind your earplugs, you would’ve needed a gas mask as well to comfortably withstand the stench of seared tyres (unless you love the smell of freshly burnt rubber in the morning that is).

Katherine Chappell, event manager for the show, said that 2016’s event was “as lively as ever”.

“The Performance Vauxhall Show goes from strength to strength, with a hugely loyal base of supporters that clearly love one of the UK’s most cherished car brands,” she commented.

“The amazing action and diversity of cars at the show meant that gloomy skies did nothing to deter, as Vauxhall fans flocked from around the country to what many of them regard as a must-attend event.”

Hopefully next year’s show see’s more sun but maintains the mass attendance! Enjoy some more snaps below!

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