The Tokyo Motor Show has seen a whole host of weird and wonderful concepts since it opened. While the three new SUV concept models from Mitsubishi are not really the most wacky cars that have parked up at the event, they are still a little bit out of the ordinary.

Tokyo Motor Show 2013 Feature

Mitsubishi has already said that each vehicle incorporates new designs that are intended to demonstrate the “functionality and reassuring safety” that SUVs typically deliver. However, the three concepts are also indicative of the direction the manufacturer is expecting to take its designs in the future.

These new models come in the form of the Concept GC–PHEV, the Concept XR-PHEV and the Concept AR. Each vehicle demonstrates the @earth Technology theme as their basis. This will see the models embracing next-generation environmental systems, while helping to deliver driving pleasure, strength and safety.

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First up is the GC-PHEV, the manufacturer’s next-generation full-size SUV. Coming in four-wheel drive (4WD), the model is a plug-in hybrid featuring a 3.0-litre V6 supercharged MIVEC engine, which is connected to an eight-speed automatic transmission, with a high-output motor and a high-capacity battery for performance on any possible terrain.

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The GC-PHEV comes with a panoramic glass roof and features no pillars between the front and rear doors – that operate in contrasting directions to really open up the model’s interior to the world.

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Instead of dipping from the roof to the tail-end, the car maintains the height line to the back limit, before dropping dramatically.

On the inside, there is also an extended centre console that is essentially one long tablet computer. At the front, it displays information for the driver, such as satellite navigation and traffic details, while the front passenger and those in the rear can use the technology for their photo, music and social media needs while on the road.

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The XR-PHEV is a next-generation compact SUV, also designed as a hybrid. The front-wheel drive car is equipped with an engine that is connected to an electric system, configured to a 1.1-litre direct-injection turbocharged MIVEC engine, a high efficiency motor and a long-life battery.

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This particular model is like a cross between the Nissan Qashqai and the Porsche Cayenne in its styling and features an angular tail-end.

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On the inside, the seats are more theme-park ride than automobile, while the steering is less a wheel and more a pilot’s yoke.

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Finally, the Concept AR comes equipped with a 1.1-litre direct-injection turbocharged MIVEC engine in the compact multi-purpose vehicle (MPV). According to Mitsubishi, the car provides SUV maneuverability and the space of an MPV.

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Mostly an oblong form, the car has a panoramic roof, while the seats on the inside can be adjusted to face each other, making it perfect for long-trips out in the car with the family, when you all need to take a break and relax.

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Mitsubishi has revealed that over 13 press days, it will reveal 17 new models at its booth in Tokyo. Visitors are also hotly anticipating the new eK Space super height wagon minicar that will be available on the Japanese market next year.

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