During the long summer months, London often sees a rise in the number of supercars parked up amongst its streets as many overseas motorists opt to spend some time in the growing capital.

Each year sees a rise in the influx of young, often regarded as brash, super/prestige car owners from the Middle East. Many of the high performance cars that they bring with them can be seen throughout the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and, over the past few years, have turned into quite the tourist attraction in the area, with people stopping to take a closer look at high-end brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Rolls Royce and Bugatti.

However, residents of the Kensington and Chelsea area haven’t been so impressed with the supercars parking up on their doorstep and, who could blame them with the constant revving of their souped-up engines? Last year saw over  several thousand residents sign petitions to stop the yearly supercars!

Talk of a crackdown on the supercars has recently hit the news with a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) set to prevent driving in convoy, unnecessary horning and over excessive revving.

Local councillor Tim Ahern, explained: “I know there has been a lot of coverage of expensive cars racing around Knightsbridge and also parking up and revving their engines. We want to take steps to discourage these drivers from their antisocial behaviour.”


However, many of the supercar owners are aware that they may be causing a problem noise problem to the residents and in interviews have stated that they don’t want to upset the residents as they simply enjoying spending time in the capital.

Mohammed Al Kubaisi, a businessman from Qatar, visits London frequently with his extensive range of supercars, he told the Evening Standard that the behaviour was unacceptable. The 26-year-old added: “We need to respect the UK law and the people that live here. We do make too much noise with our cars and we are visitors here so if the law is made we will abide by it.”

Despite claims over disruption caused by the supercars, many seem to forget or disgard the fact that bringing over the cars for the summer months provides a large annual and much-needed boost to London’s economy and revenue.

The council consultation on the potential ban runs into October and if implemented it could mean significant fines for those who opt to ignore the order.


Images Courtesy Of: www.telegraph.co.uk

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