You only get one chance at a first impression, and whilst you may have already won over your Valentine with your charm and personality, if the mere sight of your car causes them to hide indoors and close the curtains when you arrive at their house before a night out there’s no going back.

So to save you from this fate, here are the worst cars for a first date that you should definitely avoid at all costs – trust us, these are a bad idea…

Super Trucks

Super truck

Starting with the giants of the road we have the ‘Super Trucks’ and although you might consider bigger to be better, take a moment to stand back and just think.

Picture the scene, you roll up at your Valentine’s home and you go to help them into their seat – reaching up and clambering through the passenger door is an ordeal in itself that is bound to get the date off to a frosty start.

Ford Super truck

Then, when you do arrive at the restaurant, where exactly do you park such a beast? Lastly, your truck is sure to be the center of attention due to its sheer size so you’ll have to fight your way through a forest of selfie sticks and that’s sure to make your Valentine feel really special…

custom built 2005 Ford F650

This particular vehicle is a custom built 2005 Ford F650 that’s blacked out with a set of military axles and massive 49” tyres.


Bond Bug

At the other end of the scale we have the good old three-wheeler, known for being cool and popular, that’s why there are so many new models in production nowadays, right? No, these are pretty much a thing of the past and with good reason!

Bond Bug

The Bond Bug is a glass fiber 700cc car with a not so impressive 0-60 time of 23 seconds, but hey, at least it *feels* fast.

Bond Bug

So, you’ve been lucky enough to find someone who isn’t deterred by the frankly alarming shade of orange and you have both managed to maneuver your way into the wedge via the hinged roof. That’s a great start, let’s just hope there are no sharp turns to negotiate and if it rains, the plastic windows won’t provide much protection from the elements. Add to that the noisy ride while you shout sweet nothings at each other and you’ve got a recipe for the world’s least romantic Valentines Day drive!

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