Uber has suspended all self driving vehicles this week after a crash in Arizona.

A miserable couple of months for Uber continued this week when a self driving Volvo XC90 crashed while testing the autonomous system. The latest setback followed the recent controversy of Uber’s treatment of staff and the resignation of president Jeff Jones.

The vehicle in question had two engineers in the front and fortunately no one was hurt in the accident. It’s still not clear if the car was in fully autonomous mode when the incident occurred.

Uber say there is always a person in the driving seat, who can take over in any sticky situations.

According to the initial police report, the incident occurred when the driver of the other vehicle failed to yield to the XC90 at a junction, which led to the self driving Volvo to flip.

As a precaution, Uber has suspended the autonomous car trials in Arizona, Pennsylvania and California until further notice.

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