After talking to Carspring we at Motor-Vision couldn’t believe our eyes at how beastly some cars can get! When there is a beauty, there always has to be a beast. Here we share with you the 10 ugliest cars of recent years. Something you just have to check out.

Mercedes Vaneo

Mercedes Vaneo

A van. With windows! (Credit: BxHxTxCx)

Resembling a stretched version of the old A-Class, whatever this car gave you in practicality, it took right back away from you in shame. A company with such a great reputation made a truly horrific error with this one. Ok, so maybe it isn’t that ugly, but for what we’re used to from Mercedes, so boring.


Morgan Aero

Morgan Aero

Look straight ahead…

This is somewhat of a ‘Marmite’ car. But, from the way we see it, it looks like it’s been hit by a frying pan and never fully recovered. The first “new” car that Morgan had made for years, still had elements of it’s body built out of wood. And, while, the classic styling of the rest of the car was pretty stunning. Just look into those eyes. Look deep into those confused, scared eyes and tell us it isn’t ugly.


Daewoo Tacuma

Daewoo Tacuma

The Tacuma puts the ‘tac’ in tacky (Credit: RL GNZLZ)

The Tacuma looks cheap. There’s no hiding it. And, if you’re driving it, it’s not going to be good for your street cred. A cheap, Korean competitor to the Renault Scenic, it lacked any of the style, driving experience or intelligent design of its French counterpart. 


Suzuki X90

Suzuki X90

Tasteful. (Credit: Joe Wolf)

A sporty 2-seater off-roader, right? No, actually. Not fast. Not a 4×4. Not fun to drive. And, most importantly an absolute beast to look at. It’s the inherent dishonesty in the way this car looks that makes it so ugly. It’s cute, yet rugged, jacked-up style makes you believe you could go anywhere in this car. You couldn’t.


Nissan Cube

Nissan Cube

It’s not even a cube. (Credit:MIKI Yoshihito)

This car does exactly what it says on the tin. Well apart from the obvious fact it’s a cuboid. Which is great. They’re (kind of) being honest and everything. The only thing that they clearly forgot, was to take a moment and think as to whether anybody would actually want a box on wheels. Maybe in Japan where space is of a real premium. Not really anywhere else. It’s been updated recently with a few more curvaceous lines, lines that somehow seem to make it look even more like a box.


Ford Scorpio

Ford Scorpio

This is the end. (Credit: Kieran White)

Number 5 was popular with undertakers. Which means, for many, this car was the vehicle for their very final drive. Unfortunate when you take a look at it. With styling looking like a fish has sucked a sour sweet, this car was intended take on the might of the Vauxhall Omega. Low ambition certainly seems to have yielded poor returns in this instance. Luckily in 1998 it was ashes to ashes and dust to dust for the Scorpio. It’s doubtful it’s up there looking down on us.


Chrysler PT Cruiser

Chrysler PT Cruiser

Style over substance, without the style. (Credit: M.Peinado)

The Cruiser. Well, it was certainly an acquired taste. Trying too hard can often lead to a disaster, and the Cruiser was certainly the case. If this was an attempt by a then-skint Detroit motoring giant to go for a style over substance. It failed. Not only did it look terrible, it also drove terribly. Bizarrely, it didn’t do that badly in terms of sales. Which led to the complete and utter abomination that was the PT Cruiser CC.


Fiat Multipla

Fiat Multipla

Speechless. (Credit: Corvettec6r)

It’s often said that car companies base cars on animals. Fiat’s design team obviously went with the frog. Or, maybe a more convincing argument is that they took a leaf out of the Bauhaus design school, where form follows function. It was, despite it’s looks, a pretty fantastic car that could fit 3 in the front, 3 in back and anything you liked in the boot. However, for a flagship MPV model, from Italy’s largest car company, it was all very un-Italian.


Pontiac Aztec

Pontiac Aztec

This piece of cutting edge styling helped Pontiac disintegrate. (Credit: Greg Gjerdingen)

This yank monstrosity never made it to these shores. For that we can be truly grateful. With a truly and utterly horrific design, splashes of cheap looking black plastic and always displayed in an array of truly vile colours, this is one import to avoid. It’s hard to see how anybody would’ve bought one. A few did, however not enough. Pontiac died just 3 years after the Aztec’s production run came to an end. No doubt after its starring role in Breaking Bad, it may have seen an ironic bump in sales.


Ssangyong Rodius

Ssangyong Rodius

Somebody, somewhere designed this. Somebody else gave it the green light. Issue the warrants. (Credit: RL GNZLZ)

When British design comes to mind you might think of classics such as the Gherkin, the Mini, or the London Underground. This, unfortunately has to be added to the list. Us British should hang our heads in shame. The Rodius would look decidedly average were it not for the strange rear. Actually, no, it wouldn’t. It’d still look ridiculous. The saving grace with this one is that it’s never really been popular enough to have to endure it too frequently.


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One Response

  1. david ash

    you forgot the ugliest car of all! The BMW hybrid i3. Only the Germans could have made this monstrosity, which looks as though it has been saved at the last minute from the crusher. How is it possible, then, that the i8 is the most beautiful car ever made?

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