Knowing you have helped save an old vehicle and brought it back to life is one of the best feelings for any classic car enthusiast, however it can be easy to lose track of just how much such a mammoth project can actually cost. Let’s break it down and see what savings can be made before you get started.

Ruined car

Do you research

old cars

This has to be the single most important part of any car restoration as this allows you to see how others before you have got on with a similar project. Sit through plenty of tutorials, learn what you can, map out the build, join forums and try to track down the owner’s manual for the vehicle.

Protection from the weather

vintage car garage

Make sure you already have some sort of garage, car port or shelter to work under to save your future purchase from the elements. You’ll want to do all you can to keep the car in the best possible condition and having a large enough space to work in and store your equipment will make your restoration go much smoother.

The right tools for the job


You might have a whole shed full of tools, but chances are that you’ll need one specific bit of kit that’s missing from your collection. Don’t be afraid to borrow things that you need from friends or fellow enthusiasts and try to figure out what you need beforehand – it really is all about the planning!

The vehicle itself

old car garage

If you don’t want to be too overwhelmed, perhaps look at picking up a smaller car from the 1940’s or 50’s to get you off to a good start. Whilst car hunting, although the initial cost will be higher, you might even be lucky enough to come across an unfinished project that has been started off for you.

Getting parts


Your budget will very much depend on how authentic you want the restoration to be. Car salvage companies may have parts from a a similar vehicle or you can get yourself a donor car. Specialists are likely to know how to track down rare parts for the best price or you can try going to a company that reproduces new parts for classic cars.

Once you have everything in place, there is no reason why your project shouldn’t be thoroughly rewarding and enjoyable. As long as you take things at a pace that suits you, your classic can be good as new with minimal stress and completed on budget.

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2 Responses

  1. Lary Cook

    Great post, thanks for sharing! What are the things you’d suggest for classic car restoration? Would love if you write a blog or give in some key pointers about that. Thanks in advance!

    • Callum Jones

      Hi Lary,

      I’m delighted to hear that you have enjoyed reading our post!

      Your feedback is highly appreciated and will be passed on.

      We will aim to write a extended version of this blog next month, which should cover some more points.

      Thank you

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