Winter is fast approaching and this means it’s time to tuck your precious classic away and let it hibernate. To save yourself a whole lot of time, money and potential heartbreak when spring comes around, you need to know how to correctly store and prepare your vehicle. As hard as it may be to deprive yourself of a few months cruising, we promise it will be worth it in the end, trust us!

Winter car

First things first, find somewhere suitable for storage. Your own garage may prove to be the perfect solution or you can consider getting a self-storage facility sorted out. Wherever you choose, there are a few things to consider such as security, moisture and light levels. As long as your car is parked on a level surface on tarp laid over concrete – this protects the undercarriage from condensation – you should be good to go.

Frozen cars

You won’t want excessive light exposure and it’s important that you do all you can to prevent pests from undoing all your hard work. The best way to discourage them is to cover or plug openings such as the tailpipe and thoroughly vacuum all flooring and seats.

Car vacuum

To save your tyres from flat spots, either inflate them to the maximum PSI or pop the car up on jack stands, this will also help save your suspension. Ensure you have cleaned, detailed and waxed the vehicle, protecting rubber and chrome components as you go.

tyre inflation

Don’t forget to wash the underside too and keep everything lubricated, including the bonnet and boot. Whether or not you remove the battery and hook it up to a maintainer is down to personal preference. Check all fluid levels, especially the antifreeze, stabilise the fuel and treat your classic to an oil change before putting into storage.

If not removed, block each tyre to prevent movement and leave the car in Neutral (or Park for automatic transmission) and disengage the parking brake. Finally, crack open the window slightly for circulation and use a breathable material to wrap tightly around the vehicle.

Classic car storage

Now your classic car is prepared for anything winter throws at it and you can look forward to unwrapping it in the new year!

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