A great deal of mystery and scepticism surrounds speeding fines. How far over the limit warrants getting a ticket? How many points will you get on your licence? Is it possible to argue your way out of a ticket?

These are questions we’ve all asked ourselves in the past and each person you ask will probably come back with a different answer.

However, everything we knew about speeding fines was thrown into the air recently when a revised and tougher approach to speeding took effect on April 24th.

Four in five motorists didn’t even know about the harsher fines, according to a survey by Honest John, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to explain all you need to know post-fine hike.

What’s new?

Average speed cameras

Those changes in April mean the minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your licence. Collect 12 or more points within a three-year period and you could be disqualified from driving altogether.

Note how we say ‘minimum’. Due to the varying degree of speeding, fines are split between three bands – A to C – with the financial hit increasing according to the severity of the offence.

We’ll use a 30mph zone for our example case. Anyone caught driving at 31-40mph counts as band A. Band B is 41-50mph, while band C is 51mph and above.

Previously, band C offenders could expect to be hit for a full week’s earnings. However, that has increased to a fine equating to 150 per cent of their weekly income.

Here’s how the bands break down:

Speed limit (mph) Band A Band B Band C
20 21-30mph 31-41mph 41mph and above
30 31-40mph 41-50mph 51mph and above
40 41-55mph 56-65mph 66mph and above
50 51-65mph 66-75mph 76mph and above
60 61-80mph 81-90mph 91mph and above
70 71-90mph 91-100mph 101mph and above
Points / disqualification 3 points 4-6 points or 7-27 day driving ban 6 points or 7-56 day driving ban

And this is how those bands reflect the severity of the fine:

Starting point Range
Fine band A 50% of weekly income 25-75% of weekly income
Fine band B 100% of weekly income 75-125% of weekly income
Fine band C 150% of weekly income 125-175% of weekly income

General law abiding citizens with a clean licence may still be able to avoid the points by attending a speed awareness course like before.

New drivers should be even more wary though. For those still within two years of passing their driving test, their driving licence will be revoked if they build up six or more penalty points.

Any points – or ‘endorsements’ as they’re also called – will stay on your driving licence for a minimum of four years and up to 11 years, depending on the offence.

As it stands, the maximum fine for breaking the speed limit is £1,000, or £2,500 on a motorway, and those caps haven’t changed. Instead, it is hoped that those tempted to do 42mph in a 30mph zone will think again.

How fast is too fast?

road side check

Technically speaking, any driver travelling 1mph above the speed limit is liable to a speeding ticket, but most people would agree that getting hit with a £100 fine for driving at 31mph in a 30mph zone is insanely harsh.

Drivers would have to be watching their speedometers like hawks and even then, speedos aren’t always accurate, requiring recalibration over time.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) advises police forces adopt a ‘ten per cent plus 2mph’ approach before issuing a ticket and a 75 per cent mark-up before prosecuting through the courts.

This means in a 20mph zone, a motorist would have to be driving at 24mph before they received a ticket, or 35mph before the prospect of facing a judge.

Similarly, a 70mph zone – i.e. most motorways – would be 79mph for a ticket and 96mph to warrant prosecution.

Note that this is just advice and individual officers and forces will make their own mind up whether they want to take action.

What’s your opinion of this revised approach to speeding fines? Let us know down there in the comments.

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3 Responses

  1. Joe

    So, if I’m a work shy lazy ratbag who has never worked driving my mates car down the road at over 35 mph my fine will be less than the geezer who works and has paid his taxes/bills etc. all through life………how the hell can that be reasonable…….how would a decent judge view that ?

  2. John Harrison

    Whilst understanding and agreeing that there have to be limits (I have seen quite a number of idiots driving well over the figures quoted ) it is not until you get to the NPCC advice to Police Forces that you feel more in control and more comfortable with the situation . Driving absolutely within the limits all of the time is well nigh impossible and could result in more danger .
    It is very sensible to always try and drive within the 20 mph Zones as it appears that these areas are more vulnerable due to the type of traffic and pedestrian numbers and use .

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