We’re happy to welcome back one of our three 2018 Motor-Vision Award winners, Paradise Wildlife Park from their amazing Drive 4 Wildlife initiative – a trek across East Africa, making donations to important conservation organisations.
The Drive 4 Wildlife team consists of Paradise Wildlife Park’s founder, Peter Sampson’s three grandsons; brothers Aaron Whitnall (27), Tyler Whitnall (25) and Cameron Whitnall (23), joined by family friend Redmond Bolton (25). All four work at the Park, have grown up amongst wildlife and are passionate about making a difference and publicising the plight of African species. Motor-Vision was proud to get involved and to act as one of the founding supporters of the the trip. So what have they been up to?

Canines for Conservation & The Manyara Ranch – Tanzania
The Drive 4 Wildlife team embarked on their journey on the 31st January, taking the nine hour flight to Nairobi before picking up the Toyota Land Cruiser – their crucial transport for the trip. They then travelled across the Kenyan boarder into Tanzania, where their first stop was at Arusha and the ‘Canines for Conservation’ charity which trains dogs to sniff out illegal wildlife products and to combat poachers.
The second stop, in Tanzania, was to a project set up by the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). AWF’s Manyara Ranch sits in a critical wildlife corridor for elephants, making it a hotspot for poachers. Here the team saw the charity’s conservation work in action.
Mountain Gorilla Habitat – Rwanda
Drive 4 Wildlife then moved into Rwanda and to the habitat of the mountain gorilla (once again with AWF) where they worked with the rangers, highlighting the work the AWF has achieved demonstrating how, backed by Government wildlife and eco-tourism initiatives, the Silver Back Lodge has made a huge impact on the economic development of Rwanda.
Ugandan Wildlife Education Centre – Uganda
The next stop was in Uganda at the Ugandan Wildlife Education Centre where they were reunited with Zara, a lion who grew up with the boys at Paradise Wildlife Park after being rejected by her mother.
Ol Pejeta Wildlife Reserve- Kenya
Lastly, they travelled back through Kenya to visit the Ol Pejeta wildlife reserve to highlight the work Paradise Wildlife Park and its sister organisations, the Zoological Society of Hertfordshire and the Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent have done over the past years.
Just the beginning…
At every location the Drive 4 Wildlife team have delivered donations to the charities in the form of both equipment and funds. Apart from their all important Motor-Vision sponsorship, the team has received generous individual and corporate donations, both of funds and specialist equipment such as dashcams from VisionTrack – an important partner of Motor-Vision.
Now, as they return to the UK the Drive 4 Wildlife team, with the support of Motor-Vision, will continue to raise awareness and funds – the aim being to fit out, deliver and donate an anti-poaching vehicle to a chosen conservation organisation in Africa. Watch this space!
Anyone wishing to donate to help fund the anti-poaching vehicle can visit: www.justgiving.com/campaign/d4w
Stay up to date with the latest Drive 4 Wildlife news by following them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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