Czech beats Germany, the UK and Japan in rankings for the best cars       

Here at Motor-Vision, we love cars from all over the world. Whether it’s a muscle car from the US, a luxury car from Germany or a sports car from Japan, all cars from all regions bring their own flavour of automotive brilliance.

That being said, it has been quantified that not all cars are equal and when it comes to averages, Czech cars end up at the top of the board.

Using The Car Expert’s advanced Expert Rating Index, 11 countries have been ranked using the scores taken from each car from the respective countries, given that the car is available for purchase in the UK. The scoring works by taking a vast amount of reviews for a car and combining them using an algorithm to give a percentage score. So, for instance, if the Ford Mustang was rated 5/5 on every review ever written, it would gain a score of 100% and this would then be thrown into the average score for the US.

When we think of Czech cars, the first brand that comes to mind is often Skoda. After that, what other auto brands are from Czech? Well, there are a few others such as Praga and Jawa but these aren’t sold in the UK so Skoda was the only brand that was taken into account. This is likely what lead to the country taking the top spot as the high ratings of Skoda’s cars were the only thing that made up Czech’s very impressive score of 76.4%.

Second place was achieved by another country that has an extremely limited amount of cars to judge from. Just Volvo and Koenigsegg make the basis for Volvo’s very high score of 74%. Other countries with a larger quantity of cars to judge ended up with lower average ratings.

Germany, for example, may make us think of fine cars such as the 3 Series, the E-Class and the 911 but lets not forget brands such as BMW, Auid and Mercedes make a very wide range of cars, with not all of them being good! Due to this, Germany ended up in 3rd place and the UK ended up below Spain in 5th place, despite brands such as Rolls Royce and McLaren representing Britain.

France found itself in bottom place at 11th place, which certainly doesn’t inspire confidence when considering purchasing a Peugeot, Citroen or Renault!

1Czech Republic76.4%
5United Kingdom71.5%
6United States69.1%
8South Korea67.6%

Would you agree that Skoda, overall, more consistently makes better cars than the ones that come out of Germany? Let us know in the comments!

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