There are almost too many bad driving habits to count, whether its actions of other inconsiderate drivers or things we may be guilty of doing ourselves, but we have whittled them down to the five worst offenders.



It’s always unnerving when the driver behind you drives so close to you that they may as well be sitting in your back seat. Some of us may creep a little to close from time to time, but it is important to leave at least a 2 second gap at all times; this is considered a safe distance and if we all followed this simple rule our roads would be a whole lot safer.


Driving distractions

We all know that you’re supposed to keep your eyes on the road ahead, but with cars providing so many distractions it can be tempting to try and multi-task. If you do need to grab a drink, tune the radio or answer the phone, this should be done whilst parked up in a safe spot – why take the risk of doing it on the move?



Its happened to all of us, you’re driving along and the car in front either suddenly turns down a side road without warning, or travels along with an indicator flashing but no intention of actually changing direction any time soon. This can be infuriating and very dangerous as it is not clear to others what the driver plans to do next, so correct use of your indicators is definitely a must on the road.



To get a driver’s license, everyone has to learn how to park, but it seems this knowledge is quickly discarded by many people. This is clear from the number of times we see a car abandoned miles from the kerb or hogging two spaces, which is incredibly inconvenient for anyone desperately searching for that last free space in the car park.

Pushing in

traffic queue jumping

It is never easy being the car left waiting at a junction for what seems like hours until a gap in the traffic appears or some kind soul lets you out. However, that’s just the way the world is sometimes and if you try to pull out and force your way through, you will no doubt be met with more than just disapproving looks from your fellow drivers.

What winds you up most about other drivers? Let us know your thoughts!

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