Every quarter, comparethemarket.com releases research into the latest savings index for car insurance premiums by comparing their ‘cheapest’ and ‘average’ motor premiums across all age groups. The resulting figure can help to give you an idea of how much it would pay off to shop around for your car insurance.

Below we have some charts and graphs explaining various insurance figures and facts that might be of interest to you.

Car Insurance Savings

Motor Vision- Insurance- Car Insurance Prices

Motor Vision- Insurance- Car Insurance Prices

Motor Vision- Insurance- Car Insurance Prices

Average Regional, Car + Insurance Price.

Motor Vision- Insurance- Car Insurance Prices

Most Popular Cars and Average Insurance Premiums.

Motor Vision- Insurance- Car Insurance Prices

It’s no surprise that 6 of the top 10 cars are SUV’s, as the sale of SUVs have gone through the roof in recent years, but we certainly didn’t expect the Kia Sportage to top the list.

More information regarding the above graphs, head over to www.comparethemarket.com/car-insurance/content/premium-drivers/.

And if you’re after affordable premiums on your car insurance, our sponsor Performance Direct can be found on Comaprethemarket and is one of the leading insurance brokers in the UK.

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